Two pizza rule
18th March 2024
I need to rewind to the sloka covered in 4th March 2024 episode of #MondayMusings, for a reason of course.
"I hope that you do not deliberate alone nor indeed with numerous men. I hope your decision arrived at by you through such deliberation does not flow to the public (even before it is carried out)". Valmiki Ramayan 2-100-18
The reason for bringing this back now is a post I happened to read a couple of days back about a modern-day management strategy being practiced across Amazon ie #TwoPizzaRule and I was amazed at seeing the alignment of thought process with the Ramayan sloka. I thought of sharing my astonishment with the readers.
What is Two Pizza Rule and how does it align with the above Valmiki Ramayana sloka?
Amazon’s Two Pizza Rule: One Simple Rule for Maximizing Meeting Effectiveness
Amazon CEO #JeffBezos implemented a simple but effective rule in Amazon to maximize effectiveness of meetings. No meeting should be so large that two pizzas can’t feed the whole group. This is, of course, a shorthand method for ensuring that, as is often the case with big groups, no one’s ideas get drowned out or ends up in #AnalysisParalysis.
Lord Ram did not mention any target number other than a suggestion to avoid large groups, but Jeff Bezos indirectly indicated that optimum number. What is that outer limit to maintain effectiveness of meetings?
The answer is in the question, how many people can two pizzas feed? According to an online pizza purchasing calculator, a large 14” pie at between eight to ten slices can feed six to ten people, of course depending on their hunger level.
We cannot say that bigger groups would be a liability in all forms of meetings. At times, inviting large group makes sense. #TownhallMeetings normally include large number of staff. Why should then Valmiki and Jeff Bezos discourage discussing with large group of people?
The dangers of big groups are realized much more frequently in meetings where clear, concrete decisions need to be made, Meetings where each group member expects to walk away with a set of high-priority action items. Lord Ram’s message and Jeff Bezo’s two pizza rule are specifically about meetings where active deliberations expected to arrive at strategies. If you read the above #ValmikiRamayan sloka carefully, Lord Ram clearly mentioned about deliberations with the ministers and arriving at decisions in the same sloka.
Team Scaling Fallacy
There’s a lot of data to support the idea of a steep drop-off in productivity as group size increases. A few years ago, a group of business school professors tested a concept dubbed the #TeamScalingFallacy by asking two- and four-person groups to assemble a lego figure. The two-person teams averaged a completion time of 36 minutes while the three-person teams clocked in at an average of 52 minutes. Productivity dropped almost 50% when just one extra team member was introduced.
Is Ten too much?
There is a scientific explanation to this detrimental risk of having too many people in a deliberation as explained nicely by Lord Ram. In every group, there are a number of “links” between people, ‘links’ here describe the #SocialInterconnectedness of group members as explained by Organizational Psychologist #JRichardHackman. The more links between group members, the higher the risk of being hindered by the social and political detriments. Hackman later revealed his own shorthand for determining meeting sizes, stating “my rule of thumb is no double digits”.
The formula for the number of links in a group is n * (n-1) / 2. Number of links remain manageable at 36 for 9 people. However, the trend starts to snowball quickly. A group of 10 people can give rise to 45 links, 15 people have 105 links and a group of 20 has 190, large numbers drag down the effectiveness and productivity of a meeting.
Back to Valmiki Ramayan and another leadership tip
Precursor to the concept of Competency Mapping in Valmiki Ramayan
कच्चिन् मुख्या महत्सु एव मध्यमेषु च मध्यमाः | जघन्याः च जघन्येषु भृत्याः कर्मसु योजिताः || Valmiki Ramayan 2-100-25
I hope that high performance workforce is assigned superior work, mediocre with mediocre works and inferior servants in insignificant works.
What is the modern definition of Competency Mapping?
Competency mapping is the process of identifying and defining the knowledge, skills and personal attributes required for a particular role and mapping the same with the knowledge, skills and personal attributes of the resources assigned and/or to be assigned to that role.
Does it not align with that of Lord Ram’s explanation in Valmiki Ramayan?
Message courtesy
Yet another women achiever recognized as a sequel to International Women’s Day. Here is a woman entrepreneur of difference, a woman who found her calling in #WasteToWealth’.
#PoonamSingh harboured dreams of becoming a doctor when she was a child, but life had other plans. Before she could complete her education, she got married. Soon, she had two children and her life revolved around them. As the children started schooling, Poonam slowly restarted her interest in education and pursued a BEd (Bachelor of Education) degree and entered a teacher training programme.
However, she couldn’t pursue a career as a teacher. Busy with household chores and the responsibility of taking care of her family, she could not find time to socialise or build a strong friend’s circle. She almost went through an existential crisis.
After her children went to college, Poonam Singh felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Poonam faced the proverbial ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’. She had many dreams, but most remained unfulfilled as she remained tied in the intricacies of everyday life.
Disappointment that turned into an idea
Looking for solace, she headed to a nearby temple and offered some flowers to the deity. What happened there shocked her. The flowers were thrown into a garbage bin without even being kept at the deity’s feet.
As she sat at the temple for a while, she noticed that all flowers faced the same fate. Disturbed by this, the then 37-year-old returned home and researched about what happens to flower waste at temples. An International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology report stated that approximately eight million tonnes of waste flowers are dumped in Indian rivers and floral waste accounts for about 16 percent of the river pollutants.
Poonam found her calling and set out to find ways to make the most of floral waste. In June 2019, she set up #AaruhiEnterprises with her friend Pinki Yadav, and started making incense sticks, dhoop sticks, diyas, idols and more, using floral waste.
Every month, her venture recycles 1,000 kg of floral waste and earns more than Rs 2 lakh. The entrepreneur, now 41, has also provided training to over 3,000 women on making these products using floral waste, enabling them to make the most of waste and earn money.
Conceived, compiled and posted by Jaganathan T ( as a weekly newsletter of positive information #MondayMusings in #LinkedIn. Read, Like, Share, Comment and #SpreadPositivity